A world of pure imagination.

A story can take you anywhere, and a well-crafted tale can lead the reader down different paths and into their own magical flights of fantasy. You just need to begin with the question: 'What if?'
It's just a little journey

to Dreamland.

Just follow the path.

It may seem treacherous, with danger to escape.

Hidden twists in the route and desecrated plains.

Clues to find and to follow.

Obstacles to scale.

Sometimes the adventure may seem dark and creepy. Rely on trusted counsel.

Through strange avenues and tunnels, staying alert for peril.

Keep on pushing forwards.

You will be rewarded with wonderous sights - some colourful and strange.

Places may not be as they first appear.

A fellow traveller you meet as you go may have the key.

Or the password.

Follow the river's serpentine wind.

Across leafy plains you will see the castle bordered by iron.

Climb the mossy steps without a timorous tread, and keep the password close.

Greet the gatekeeper respectfully as you approach and you will gain entrance as a friend.

At dream trip's end you will gain your badge of honour.