All images appearing on this website are my own work and property unless otherwise stated - either by caption below the image or at the foot of a section where I have used another artist's picture for the title thumbnail.
Where possible I use my own images. Sometimes there is something far more suitable and relevant in an online library and so it has made sense to use that. Images used might occasionally be scaled down to fit my banner template. I will always credit them and review from time to time to ensure responsible housekeeping on this site. If I realize an image on this site is no longer available in an image library I will remove it from my web files.
Thank you so much to contributors at - an online image library stocked entirely by volunteer photographers from across the globe - for sharing their wonderful images. Through this project I have had some great pictures in mind that I know individual photographers have shared on the site, and I have also had the immense pleasure of discovering new incredible talent on Pixabay that I had not encountered before.
Image use:
If you want to use any content on this website please do not make a copy of it. You can request a copy of a full size image file via the Contact form on this website. Please let me know how and where you want to use it on the form and link back to this website when sharing anything on it. I will not grant permission to use images from this site if they are to be used for political promotion or in relation to content that may be obscene, offensive under human or animal rights or illegal.
For images that are not mine on this website, use the links in the credits to access the original files and download and attribute as per the terms and conditions on the hosting library site. When sharing images from public libraries such as Pixabay or Wikicommons please share the word and the love and make sure you attribute the photographers and sites properly and link wherever you are able to. It is small things like this that allow these sites to thrive and give us all access to some of the most incredible works. And never forget to acknowledge the artist - make sure they know, and others know, the value of their work.
Text content:
All images appearing on this website are my own work and property unless otherwise stated - either by caption below the image or at the foot of a section where I have used another artist's picture for the title thumbnail.
Where possible I use my own images. Sometimes there is something far more suitable and relevant in an online library and so it has made sense to use that. Images used might occasionally be scaled down to fit my banner template. I will always credit them and review from time to time to ensure responsible housekeeping on this site. If I realize an image on this site is no longer available in an image library I will remove it from my web files.
Thank you so much to contributors at - an online image library stocked entirely by volunteer photographers from across the globe - for sharing their wonderful images. Through this project I have had some great pictures in mind that I know individual photographers have shared on the site, and I have also had the immense pleasure of discovering new incredible talent on Pixabay that I had not encountered before.
Image use:
If you want to use any content on this website please do not make a copy of it. You can request a copy of a full size image file via the Contact form on this website. Please let me know how and where you want to use it on the form and link back to this website when sharing anything on it. I will not grant permission to use images from this site if they are to be used for political promotion or in relation to content that may be obscene, offensive under human or animal rights or illegal.
For images that are not mine on this website, use the links in the credits to access the original files and download and attribute as per the terms and conditions on the hosting library site. When sharing images from public libraries such as Pixabay or Wikicommons please share the word and the love and make sure you attribute the photographers and sites properly and link wherever you are able to. It is small things like this that allow these sites to thrive and give us all access to some of the most incredible works. And never forget to acknowledge the artist - make sure they know, and others know, the value of their work.
Text content:
The text content on this website is authored by myself. Do not use it anywhere else (although some of it has been written for and therefore will appear in other places). Please contact me via the form if you wish to ask about any of the content on this site. As with images appearing on this site, this site is reviewed on a periodic basis and should any content become potentially sensitive it will be removed.
Links to other sites:
I cannot accept responsibility for other sites that I link to from this website. I do not receive money for linking to other websites. I have permission from Flibbadeedoo to include the link button to their channel, and embed content link to it on this website.
I cannot accept responsibility for other sites that I link to from this website. I do not receive money for linking to other websites. I have permission from Flibbadeedoo to include the link button to their channel, and embed content link to it on this website.