Blowing away the lockdown blues isn't always easy so these little smilers help to brighten the day.

Even when the playing field is empty. If you can't get out, take an adventure in your mind. Set sail with your heart and follow the path to your dreams.

Off the shelf: are you sitting comfortably?

These old favourites are well-worn, spine-tops nibbled and pages rubbed. Where better to begin?
Then I'll begin ...

This tale is stranger than fiction.

Hold onto your hat!

We're going to cook up some brilliant scenarios.

There are so many exciting stories to share.

Tend the words carefully so that they bloom beautifully.

Don't be afraid to prune, and chuck some out for the bugs!

When they are ready hang them out in the sunshine - a perfect pattern of shapes and colours and textures.

Check the time and clean away neatly - every word has its own special place.

Switch off the lights, grab your bag and let's go.

Don't forget to bring a lucky quill to shape your inspirations.

This quill was found on the school walk.


No two paranormal pumpkins or shivery skeletons in this background are completely identical! Which is your favourite?