Kitty Squirrel in December 2020

Back in 2018, a large boar squirrel moved into our garden, and across our neighbours' gardens. The neighbourhood cats were fascinated - this creature was too big to be an ordinary outdoor rodent, in fact he was close to the size of a kitten when it's ready to first step outdoors.
He was also no scaredy-kitty as squirrels go. Next door's ginger tom tried for him, and got a whack across the chops and a sharp little scratch across his nose for his efforts!
In 2019 he moved in a new lady wife and whatever is said about squirrels loving 'em and leaving 'em, he wasn't that sort. 2020 saw their family blessed with a new addition - an adorable young kit. As the kit began to open her eyes and grow fur they began taking her out and showing her the world. After a few months, satisfied that she was fully independent they moved out and left her the family drey to make her own home in. We adore her, so she has her own 'wild' space.
In 2019 he moved in a new lady wife and whatever is said about squirrels loving 'em and leaving 'em, he wasn't that sort. 2020 saw their family blessed with a new addition - an adorable young kit. As the kit began to open her eyes and grow fur they began taking her out and showing her the world. After a few months, satisfied that she was fully independent they moved out and left her the family drey to make her own home in. We adore her, so she has her own 'wild' space.
Daddy squirrel was no fool around humans and made sure to duck and cover at the slightest sign of a lens, so try as I might I never managed to get a decent picture of him. Young 'un is less wary, although she never likes to sit still and is constantly fidgeting!

October 2020 and we have had several days of rain and some windy days. Our patch of land that is Kitty's kingdom has gained another black bag carried on the breeze. She has been joined a couple of times by a playmate chasing her along the branches. As the weather gets colder, she is more concerned about reconnaissing her existing nut stores and building more before it gets seriously chilly. Memo to self should probably be to plan and set up ahead to catch her busy at her work, and invest in a functional tripod to lose the hasty-grab giveaway of shaking camera (once back in work)!

This scene is technically a complete photographic no, but there's something so luscious, rich and intriguing about the tapestry of shapes, textures and colours here.

Checking out the new wind-drift debris. Many loose bags seem to end up sailing on a strong breeze to drop at the side of our garden.

November 2020 and Kitty has made some new friends - two more squirrels join her to frolic through the branches on warmer mornings. I have yet to get a snap of them all together though, only she will pause long enough for the camera!

Look what I pulled off a fence! Just cutting it down to size...

2022 and Kitty has had kits and her kits in turn have had kits. The family has stayed and invited in friends. We see the kits much more often than Kitty now.

The soil at the side of our house is solid clay - almost nothing will grow in it save for a tree and some thriving weeds which reappear as fast as they're pulled. The squirrels like them though!